EnCirca's Web3 Options

EnCirca's Web3 Options

EnCirca maintains blockchain nodes and multi-sig hot/cold wallets to streamline acquisition, custody services and crypto-currency payments.

Warning: These Web3 domains are experimental and do not work like normal domain names. They are difficult to use for website and email hosting and do not have the same protections for longevity and abuse compared to normal domain names.

.ETH Ethereum Naming Service

.ETH’s initial and annual fee includes renewals and custody. Pricing is based on string length. EnCirca will strive to minimize gas fees, which vary based on blockchain activity.

Unstoppable Domains

EnCirca supports second-level registrations in 9 TLDs. Pricing is based on string length and TLD string. There are annual custody fees.

Handshake Naming Service

EnCirca supports handshake TLDs for second level registrations. There are no gas or custody fees.

Impervious Domains

EnCirca supports Impervious handshake TLDs for second level registrations. There are annual custody fees.

Web3 for Trademark Owners

Web3 or Blockchain brand protection services from EnCirca include registration, custody, and integration services for decentralized or NFT domain names. This include both top-level domains (TLD) and second-level domains (SLD). None of these decentralized domains have the approval or regulatory oversight of ICANN and operate on alternative roots.

Let us help you protect your brand. Find out about our Web3 Consulting Service


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