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Contact Us

We Want Your Feedback

To provide feedback or comments, please use the form provided.

  • Have you found a third-party website where your new email address
    does not work?
  • Is there a new service or feature you would like to see?
  • What really bugs you about our website?
  • Any questions, comments, suggestions you may have for us are appreciated!

Contact Support

If this is a support-related or urgent issue, please leave a message with our support team. You can expect a response within two business days.

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Want the latest news from EnCirca? Subscribe to our blog feed or tweet us a question or comment. We’d love to hear from you!

  • Find out what hot domains are on sale or at auction
  • Tweet us a question, observation, or anything else
  • Read about our specials, promotions, and upcoming new features

More Options

Use our Help Desk or Live Chat for critical issues.

  • Call: +1.781-942-9975 and leave a message, including your email address.
    Provide enough information in your request so that we can research your issue.
  • Fax: +1.781.823.8911
  • Postal Mail: EnCirca, Inc., 400 West Cummings Park, Suite 1725, Woburn, MA 01801 USA
  • Chief Executive: Thomas Barrett.
    Letters and messages to Tom may be sent via any of the above contact avenues.

To contact EnCirca’s president directly, send email to ceo at encirca dot com.

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